Simple colorful bouquet

Ranunculus Wedding Flowers
Bridal bouquets containing the beautiful Ranunculus flower.
The Tecolote, the most common of the 600 species of ranunculus, comes in almost any color imaginable. Its paper-thin petals, cascading in ruffles, are most often yellow and white, but can also be found in gold, a variety of pastels, pink, red, sunset orange, and bicolored picotee. Some species of ranunculus sport significantly fewer petals than the typical Tecolote but retain the lustrous quality ranunculi are known for.
Native to Asia, the ranunculus is a perennial that fares best in cool, dry climates with mild winters (think California or Texas). Blooms are abundant in spring and early summer.
They are mostly herbaceous perennials with bright yellow or white flowers (if white, still with a yellow centre); some are annuals or biennials. A few species have orange or red flowers. There are usually five petals, but sometimes six, numerous, or none, as in R. auricomus. The petals are often highly lustrous, especially in yellow species.
The foliage of Ranunculus species and cultivars varies markedly, though glossy, leathery, deeply cut and divided leaves predominate. The wild species usually have simple 5-petalled flowers, usually in yellow or red, and borne singly through spring and summer. Cultivated forms occur in many colors, such as white, pink, and orange, and often have fully double flowers.
Below are many examples of wedding bouquets featuring the beautiful Ranunculus flower