Posts in the Carnations category

Dark purple carnation bouquet

Carnations get a lot of bad rap from a lot of people – too often they’re sadly disregarded as a “cheap” flower and are tossed aside as an option. Which is a shame because they come in some gorgeous colors. But we’re thinking this might …

Julia Rose Bouquets

Stunning yellow and pink bouquets designed by Julia Rose. Check out her facebook page here: Bridal bouquet designed in a mixture of Roses, Spray Roses, Spray Carnations, Easter Daisy, Golden Rod, Babies Breath & daisies  

Carnations Pink Hues

Varying hues from fuchsia to pale blush pink are clustered together, then tied with floral stem wire to create and easy yet stunning bridal bouquet. From

Red and Bright

Beautiful red flowers bridal bouquet with red peonies, red anemones, purple carnations and dark blue sating ribbon. Source